Asst. Prof. Sodchol Wonprasaid, Ph.D.

Asst. Prof. Sodchol Wonprasaid, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Sodchol Wonprasaid, Ph.D.

School of Crop Production Technology
Institute of Agricultural Technology , Suranaree University of Technology

Asst. Prof. Sodchol Wonprasaid, Ph.D.


อนุสิทธิบัตร : ระบบควบคุมการให้น้ำอัตโนมัติสำหรับมันสำปะหลัง.
เลขทะเบียนผลงาน : 1703000668
วันที่รับรองผลงาน : 21 เม.ย.60
ชื่อเจ้าของผลงาน :
1. ผศ.ดร.สุดชล วุ้นประเสริฐ
2. ผศ.ดร.ประโยชน์ คำสวัสดิ์
3. ผศ.ดร.ฐิติพร มะชิโกวา
4. รศ.ดร.อาทิตย์ ศรีแก้ว
5. นายเกริกฤทธิ์ ศรีเคน 
6. นายธีระภัทร เจริญปรุ
7. นายธนสาร ศรีโคตร


  • Ph.D. (Soil Science), University of Kentucky, USA
  • M.Sc. (Crop and Pasture Science), University of Western Australia, Australia
  • B.Sc. (Agronomy), Kasetsart University, Thailand

Area of Expertise

  • Soil and nutrient management
  • Irrigation system
  • Precision agriculture

Current Research

  • Postharvest Chlorophyll degradation
  • Postharvest Senescence of Plant
  • Stress Treatments on Postharvest Plant
  • Purification, characterization and localization of chlorophyll-degrading enzymes from broccoli florets and its control by UV-B irradiation

Selected Research output/Publication

  • Samongdee, T., Wonprasaid, S., Horkaew, P. and Machikowa, T. (2018). Moisture distribution patterns in loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils under drip irrigation system. In Proceedings of ISER 124th International Conference, April 29–30, 2018. Tokyo, Japan.
  • Pramjorn, P. and Wonprasaid, S. (2017). Emission uniformity of drip irrigation system. In International Forum-Agriculture, Biology, and Life Science Conference. June 27 – 29, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Kimsamran P., S. Wonprasaid S. Tancharakorn and W Tantanuch. 2016. Analysis of Phosphorus, Potassium and Calcium Accumulation in Grape Leaves by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence Int’l Journal of Advances in Agricultural & Environmental Engg. (IJAAEE) Vol. 3, Issue 1 82-86
  • Pratumjon, S., Machikowa, T. and Wonprasaid, S. (2016). Strawberry flowering induction by artificially low temperature and day light. International Conference on Agricultural, Food, Biological and Health Sciences (AFBHS-16) August 22–24, 2016 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): 111–114.
  • Rimcharoen Y. and S. Wonprasaid 2016. Effects of Fertigation on Root and Plant Nutrient Distribution of Field Grown Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Int’l Journal of Research in Chemical, Metallurgical and Civil Engg. (IJRCMCE) Vol. 3, Issue 2 199-203