Asst. Prof. Thitiporn Machikowa, Ph.D.

Asst. Prof. Thitiporn Machikowa, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Thitiporn Machikowa, Ph.D.

School of Crop Production Technology
Institute of Agricultural Technology , Suranaree University of Technology

Asst. Prof. Thitiporn Machikowa, Ph.D.
Chair of school


  • Ph.D. (Crop Production Technology),
    Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
  • B.Sc. (Crop Production Technology),
    Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

Area of Expertise

  • Crop Production Technology
  • Plant Breeding

Selected Research output/Publication

  • Saensee, K., Machikowa, T., Kaya, Y., Muangsan, N. Relationship between floret size and anther culture response in an ornamental sunflower (2018) Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 23 (2), art. no. APST-23-02-09, 9 p.
  • Phantong, P., Machikowa, T., Saensouk, P., Muangsan, N. Comparing growth and physiological responses of Globba schomburgkii Hook. f. and Globba marantina L. under hydroponic and soil conditions (2018) Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 30 (2), pp. 157-164.
  • Samongdee, T., Wonprasaid, S., Horkaew, P. and Machikowa, T. (2018). Moisture distribution patterns in loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils under drip irrigation system. In Proceedings of ISER 124th International Conference, April 29–30, 2018. Tokyo, Japan.
  • Machikowa, T. and Sukmee, S. (2017). Development of culture media for pollen germination and tube growth of sunflower. International Conference Plant Cells in Vitro: Fundamentals& Applications II. p.32.
  • Pratumjon, S., Machikowa, T. and Wonprasaid, S. (2016). Strawberry flowering induction by artificially low temperature and day light. International Conference on Agricultural, Food, Biological and Health Sciences (AFBHS-16) August 22–24, 2016 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): 111–114.


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เลขทะเบียนผลงาน : 1703000668
วันที่รับรองผลงาน : 21 เมษายน 2560
สถานที่จดทะเบียน : ประเทศไทย
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3. ผศ. ดร.สุดชล วุ้นประเสริฐ
4. ผศ. ดร.ฐิติพร มะชิโกวา
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