CIA Background

CIA Background

Section 5 of Suranaree University of Technology  Act B.E.2533 ( has been promulgated in Government Gazettes since July 29th , B.E.2533) specified the establishment of public univeraity in Nakhon Ratchasima province called “Suranaree University of Technology” and section 6 specify that the university divided sections into (1) Office of the Rector (2)  Academic Institutes (3) Institutes (4) Centers. Subsequently, university had university announcement on July 24, B.E.2535 to divided Office of the Rector to 9 divisions which are (1) Division of Facilitation (2) Division of Correspondence and public relaton (3) Division of Personnel (4) Division of Finance and Accounting (5) Division of Buildings and Grounds  (6) Division of Procurement and Supplies (7) Division of Planning (8) Division of International relation (9) Division of Student Affairs. After that, in the seventh meeting on September 17th,B.E.2537, university council agreed to enact university clause to establish Center for international affairs in B.E.2537, to have another division  called “Center for International Affairs”