School Information

School Information


 Surawiwat School 

Surawiwat School is responsible for fundamental and advanced educational operation
of secondary level, focusing on teaching science, mathematics, technology and language
and functioning as a learning community.
It is also a resource for faculty members on researching teaching and learning approaches for mathematics, science, technology and language.
It is considered as the University Laboratory School cultivating students with the potential and quality for higher education institutions.

School Name / Initials

Thai :        โรงเรียนสุรวิวัฒน์  is  “รสว”

English :    Surawiwat School  is  “SWS”


SWS Colors


Desirable student characteristics

Furthermore, the school encourages students to possess leadership traits, collaborative skills, using scientific principles and are trained to have language competence to develop oneself to gain scholarly skills and professions according to aptitude and interests

School Uniform

Junior High School Uniform
Senior High School Uniform