Science Classrooms in University-Affiliated School Project (SCiUS)

Science Classrooms in University-Affiliated School Project (SCiUS)

Science Classrooms in University – Affiliated School Project (SCiUS)

                Surawiwat School was founded by Suranaree University of Technology as a boarding school located on campus. Based on its great potential for notable science achievement, research and high technology, Suranaree University of Technology widens educational missions on cultivating and developing students before tertiary admission by collaborating with Science Classrooms in University – Affiliated School Projects (SCiUS) project under supervision of Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation. The university cooperated with Ratchasima Wittayalai School to establish the first science classroom in phase 1 (2008-2012). The project continued to phase 2 (2013-2022); the second science classroom was expanded in 2014.
                 Surawiwat School focuses on science, technology and language. It is the educational academy which aims
to promote students’ learning for developing students and narrowing the learning gap in science and technology.
Also, students are educated to achieve academic excellence based on their interests. The physical structure of the school supports academic planning, learning, researching, experimenting and doing activities outside the classrooms such as knowledge governance, leadership-membership skills, teamwork skills and club participation. 

School buildings were designed to serve effective teaching and learning such as Science Learning Center, Language Learning Center, Mathematics Learning Center and Social Studies Learning Center. These learning centers were designed especially for promoting teaching and learning, researching, acquiring language skills and other extracurricular activities which support learning. From the academic and physical readiness, Surawiwat School was offered the opportunity to expand 2 more science classrooms in 2017-2018.

                   Suranaree University of Technology initiated to develop curriculum for Science Classrooms on campus – Affiliated School Project (SciUS – SWS) in a concept of STEM @Life or STEM education for Life. The curriculum emphasizes on generating a model that enables students to realize the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for further implementation in daily life and career development in the following areas:

The readiness in teaching and learning management of Suranaree University of 

Technology and Surawiwat School

  1. The Science Classrooms in University – Affiliated School Project (SciUS – SWS) curriculum was drafted by the Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology.
  2. The curriculum emphasizes the understanding of science and language for lessening gaps between secondary and tertiary education in science and technology.
  3. Qualified teachers are recruited using the same recruitment procedures as that of the lecturers at Suranaree University of Technology.
  4. Professors and lecturers from Suranaree University of Technology are invited to give a lecture, co-teach and mentor teachers at Surawiwat School.
  5. Certain topics in science subjects are taught in English by SUT lecturers who are native speakers with a doctoral degree. The university has lecturers available in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and engineering.

The Support of Physical Structures by Suranaree University of Technology

  1. Surawiwat School was supported with the construction of the building complex of Science, Technology, and Language Learning, including residential halls to operate a boarding school system since 2018.
  2. Students can use the university infrastructures such as the Center for Library Resources and Educational Media, scientific laboratories as well as scientific and advanced equipment from the Center of Scientific and Technological Equipment for learning and working on science projects.

          Currently, the Science Classrooms in University – Affiliated School Project (SciUS) of Surawiwat School has 3 batches of students since the academic year 2018. The first batch students, currently studying in Mathayom 6, received many awards from the International Science Olympiads as well as national and international project competitions. Surawiwat School is well-prepared and determined to develop the students of the SciUS project along with those of regular classrooms to promote science and technology learning in order to become a skilled professional based on their interests. In addition, the Cabinet’s resolution allowed the expansion of SciUS to phase 3 for the next 20 years (from 2023 – 2042) and plan to increase more 6 classrooms nationwide. 

The Ministry of Higher Education Research and Innovation will proceed a nationwide recruitment for potential SciUS schools to assess the additional classrooms. Regardingly, it is a good opportunity for Surawiwat School to participate in the recruitment process for the third SciUS classroom and receive a budget until 2042. Students in the SciUS project are expected
to become qualified researchers in science and technology for the nation from this point forward.