Teaching and Learning Management Approach

Teaching and Learning Management Approach

Surawiwat School, Suranaree University of Technology is an operational unit aiming to experiment with the teaching and learning management approach based on the learning guidelines for science, technology and language. Various pedagogy for teaching and learning has been continuously implemented.

Learner Development to Their Potential Bridging Course

The scores of Placement Test, from the admission exam of Mathayom 1 and Mathayom 4, are used to place students into groups for Bridging Courses based on their aptitude and performance. Each semester, there is a follow-up monitoring
for students’ learning progress in order to rearrange students into appropriate groups that match with their performances.

Integration of Technology in Teaching Technology Integration

Teachers use computers, equipment, and information technology tools
to help facilitate the class and enhance learning experiences such as the Smart
Board and AR technology. All of technology is used as a supporting medium
to elevate learning experiences in all classes as to motivate and stimulate learning
process as well as expand a world of learning for students. In addition, students
are trained to possess skills in media and technology, and to be able to use
technology appropriately.

Problem-based Learning

Students are encouraged to practice the skills of critical thinking and problem
solving by using real-life issues or situations to motivate themselves to acquire
new knowledge to come up with suitable solutions. The school has organized many activities to promote this learning method such as the Surawiwat Innovation Challenge: Fly Trap which students developed a new innovation to solve flies
problem in the canteen. This allows students to learn in parallel with the actual
practice (Active Learning).

Professional Development and Voluntary

Surawiwat School encourages upper secondary school students, Matthayomsuksa
4 to 6, to receive professional experience in various establishments such as hospitals, clinics, public health departments, university farm, etc. With guidance and support from class advisors and guidance teachers, students have an opportunity to learn and understand the roles and duties of each profession based on their interests. This provides guidelines in pursuing a career that is suitable for personal aptitude and potential.

Experimental Expert Instruction

Surawiwat School students learn by hands-on practice with the cooperation from
the faculty members and specialized university staff from Suranaree University of Technology on skills in fabrication, robotics, home economics, etc., Moreover, the students could access various learning resources within the university such as the Center for Educational Innovations and Technology, the university farm, the King’s 7th Anniversary Observatory Nakhon Ratchasima, Princess Sirindhorn Learning Park, and Synchrotron Light Research Institute (Public Organization).

Authentic Assessment

Surawiwat School minimizes the role of midterm examination in certain courses & emphasizes  supplementary assessment methods that are in accordance with the nature of teaching and learning that focuses on the learners, for example, in all English courses, the assessments are carried out by means of the practicality and participation in class which allow teachers to see the students’ learning performance in terms of competency, thinking and problem-solving skills, and application of academic skills. This process enables students to reach their greatest potential and then adapt to other courses.