บุรีภักดี ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
2008 PhD in Composition & TESOL with distinction, Indiana University of Pennslyvania, Indiana, PA, USA. (under the Thai Government Scholarship)
2004 MA (TESOL), Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA, USA. (under the Thai Government Scholarship)
1997 MA in Marketing (International Program), Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand
1991 BA (English), Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand
Research Interests: Composition & TESOL
Phone: +66 4422 4246
Email: adcharawan@sut.ac.th
Lu, H. & Buripakdi, A. (2020). Effects of Global Englishes-informed Pedagogy in Raising Chinese University Students’ Global Englishes Awareness. PASAA, Vol. 60, 1-35
Buripakdi, A. (2019). Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice. An Introduction to Applied Sociolinguistics. Social Science Asia, Volume 6 Number 1, p: 64-66.
Boonrasamee, N., Buripakdi, A., & Lian, A.-P. (2019). Personal Learning Environments Enhance Language Learners to Organize Self-Regulated Learning. Veridian E-Journal - Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts, 12(6), 604–621.
Weerachairattana, R, & Duan, T, & Buripakdi, A. (2019). World Englishes in Expanding Circles: Views from University in Thailand and China. English of Studies in the English Language, 14(1).
Buripakdi, A. (2019). Power and Meaning Making in an EAP. REFLections, 26(2), 108-110. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reflections/article/view/233130
Handoyo, Cahn, Merrium, Buripakdi (Editors (2017). Situating Moral and Cultural Values in ELT Materials: The Southeast Asian Context. London: Springer
Buripakdi, A. & Ebua, O (2017). An Exploratory Research on Class-based Culture Teaching Practices in EFL Context in 90 Junior High Schools, North East Thailand. The 4th FLLT conference proceeding, Bangkok, Thailand, June 24-26, 2016.
Buripakdi, A. & Xin, Q (2017). A Discourse Analysis of Chinese Junior High School English Textbooks: Cultural 125 Components and Ideological Construction. The 4th FLLT conference proceeding, Bangkok, Thailand, June 24-26, 2016.
Buripakdi, A. (2014). Reading Lolita in Tehran: Reflections upon Reading an English Novel as a Foreign Language Learner. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society. 8(1), 1-7.
Thongwichit, N. & Buripakdi, A. (2014). Perceptions of College Students on L1 Use with Different Levels of English Proficiency on L1 Use in English Classrooms. Journal of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, 6 (2), 96-109.

วรรณรักษ์ รองศาสตราจารย์
1997 PhD (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education), University of Illionis at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
1989 Master of Linguistics (English for Science and Technology), Mahidol University, Thailand
1986 Bachelor of Education, (English and German) First-class Honors, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Research Interests: Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Phone: +66 4422 4345
Email: wannaruk@sut.ac.th
Zhang, Y., Wang, F., & Wannaruk, A. (2019). Pragmatic competence in business context: A case study of Thai EFL university students. Suranaree Journal of Social Science, 13(2), 1-24
Ma, X., Wannaruk, A., & Lei, Z. (2019). Exploring the relationship between learning motivation and L2 WTC in an EFL classroom among Thai EFL learners. English Language Teaching,12(7), 33-45
Yang, L., & Wannaruk, A . (2018). A cross-cultural pragmatic study of the speech act of complaining by native Thai and Chinese speakers. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences
Yang, Y., Wannaruk, A., & Lian, A. (2017). Improving the English-speaking skills of Chinese primary EFL learners with a verbotonal approach. Rangsit Journal of Arts and Sciences (RJAS).
Shasha B., Wannaruk, A., & Lian, A. (2017). Listening comprehension and anxiety in Chinese university EFL students. Rangsit Journal of Arts and Sciences (RJAS).
Xu, L., & Wannaruk, A.. (2017). Investigating interlanguage pragmatic competence in a Chinese EFL context. Suranaree Journal of Social Science.
Xu, L., & Wannaruk, A. (2016). Testing university learners’ interlanguage pragmatic competence in a Chinese EFL context. PASAA.
Xu, L., & Wannaruk, A. (2016). Developing an interlanguage pragmatic competence test on routines in a Chinese EFL context. Language Education and Acquisition Research Network (LEARN) Journal.
Wannaruk, A., & Amnuai, W. (2016). A Comparison of rhetorical move structure of Applied Linguistics research articles published in international and national Thai journals. RELC Journal
Zhang, B., & Wannaruk, A. (2016). Rhetorical structure of Education research article methods sections. PASAA.
Weerachairattana, R., & Wannaruk, A. (2016). Refusal strategies in L1 and L2 by native speakers of Thai. Suranaree Journal of Social Science.

ไชยสุริยา ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
2003 PhD (Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies), University of New Mexico, USA
1999 MA (TESOL) Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
2014 Bachelor of Education (Education Measurement and Evaluation) Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
1995 Bachelor of Arts (English), Rajabhat Institute, Buriram
Phone: +66 4422 3564
Email: arnon.c@sut.ac.th
Attanak, A, Juntapremjit, S, & Chaisuriya, A. (2019). The Impact on Working Memory of the 4-D Multiple Resource Model as Embedded in Interpretation Training. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) Naresuan University Vol. 12 No. 4 (2019): October-December 2019. PP. 125-135
Choomklang, C, Panhoon, S, Chaisuriya, A, & Anusasnanan, S (2019). A research synthesis of research on achievement in English basic education level: meta-analytic structural equation modeling. e-Journal of Education Studies, Burapha University Vol. 1 No. 2 August. PP. 1-15.
Chaisuriya A., & Shin, S. (20190. Examining English Test Practicality among Different Stakeholders in Thailand. Journal of Asia TEFL 04/2009: 16(1) 107-120.
Plubpla, P, Chaisuriya, A, & Chaturanon, W. (2017). The development of an English language instructional model based on experiential learning and cooperative learning for promoting communicative competence of sixth graduate students. Journal of Graduate School Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University. V. 14. No. 64 PP. 229-237

ยอดคำลือ อาจารย์
2008 PhD in Linguistics, University of South Carolina
2000 MA in Linguistics, University of South Carolina
1996 MA in Linguistics, Chulalongkorn Univeristy, THAILAND
1985 BA (2nd Class Honours) in Linguistics, Chiangmai University, THAILAND
Research Interests: Linguistics, Second Language Acquisiton
Phone: +66 4422 4362
Email: butsakorn@sut.ac.th
Li, Z., Lian, A.-P., Yodkamlue, B. (2020). Learning english intonation through exposure to resynthesized self-produced stimuli. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 20(1), pp. 54-76
Ma, X., Yodkamlue, B. (2019). The effects of using a self-developed mobile app on vocabulary learning and retention among EFL learners. PASAA 58, pp. 166-205
Trinant, K., Yodkamlue, B. (2019). Lexical Collocations in a Sample Corpus of Nursing Research Articles (SCNRA). Suranaree Journal of Social Science, 13(2)
Khumphee, S. & Yodkamlue, B. 92017). Grammatical Errors on English Essays Written by Thai EFL Undergraduate Students. Journal of Education, 11(4) Mahasarakham

ประมูลศุข ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
2008 PhD in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teacher Centre for English Language Teacher Education University of Warwick, U.K.
1998 MA in English Language Studies and Methods Centre for English Language Teacher Education, University of Warwick, U.K.
1998 BA (2nd Class Honours) in English Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND
Research Interests: L2 wiring, Discourse Analysis, Genre Analysis, Disciplinary Discourses
Phone: +66 4422 4010; 4335; 4032
Email: issra@sut.ac.th
Magday, W.D., Pramoolsook, I. (2020). Consistency verification between qualitative entries and quantitative ratings in the teaching evaluation forms of Filipino pre-service teachers. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 19(2), pp. 136-162
Dalimunte, A.A., Pramoolsook, I. (2020). Genres classification and generic structures in the English language textbooks of economics and islamic economics in an Indonesian university. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network 13(1), pp. 1-19
Zhang, Y., Pramoolsook, I. (2019). Generic complexity in bachelor’s theses by chinese english majors: An SFL perspective. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 19(4), pp. 304-326
Pramoolsook, I., Magday, W.D. (2019). Move confirmation and teaching strategy identification of english student-teachers' lesson plans in the Philippines: A rhetorical framework for novice teachers. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 18(12), pp. 150-173
Srisa-an, W., Pramoolsook, I. (2018). Development of cooperative and work-integrated education in Thailand: Looking back, looking now, and looking forward. Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education in Asia: History, Present and Future Issues pp. 105-127
Yaemwannang, C., Pramoolsook, I. (2018). Hotel responses to online complaints. Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Representing the Voices of Tourism pp. 196-211
Yaemwannang, C. & Pramoolsook, I. (2018). Move and Writing Strategy Analysis of International Hotel Homepages. JTESAP, 6(1), 83-96
Yaemwannang, C. & Pramoolsook, I. (2018). Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Image-Text Relations in International Hotel Homepages. Suranaree Journal of Social Science, 12(2)
Saengsai, Y., & Pramoolsook, I. (2017). Move analysis of science and engineering PhD abstracts: variations between the two disciplines in a Thai University. วารสารวิชาการมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 25(47), 305-326.
Loan, N. T. T., and Pramoolsook, I. (2016). Citations in literature review chapters of TESOL master’s theses by Vietnamese postgraduates. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies. 16(2): 18-32
Loan, N. T. T., and Pramoolsook, I. (2016). Master's theses written by Vietnamese and international writers: Rhetorical structure variations. Asian ESP Journal. 12(1): 106-127.
Loan, N. T. T., and Pramoolsook, I. (2016). Citation Practice in the Whole TESOL Master's Theses by Vietnamese Postgraduates. 3l-Language Linguistics Literature-the Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies. 22(3): 79-92
Li, Q., & Pramoolsook, I. (2016). Research article abstracts in two subdisciplines of business: move structure and hedging between management and marketing. English Language Teaching, 8(1), 52-62
Nguyen, T. T. L., & Pramoolsook, I. (2015). Reporting verbs in Literature Review Chapters of TESOL Master’s theses written by Vietnamese postgraduates. ESP Today, 3(2), 196-215
Loan, N.T.T., Pramoolsook, I. (2015). Move analysis of results-discussion chapters in TESOL Master's theses written by Vietnamese students. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature.21(2): 1-15
Loan, N.T.T., Pramoolsook, I. (2015). Citation in Vietnamese TESOL: Analysis of master's thesis introduction chapters. Asian ESP Journal. 11(1): 95-120
Loan, N.T.T., Qian, L., Linh, N.D., Pramoolsook, I. (2014). TESOL conference abstracts: Discrepancies between potential writers' knowledge and actual composition. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature . 20(3): 161-176.
Nguyen, T. T. L., & Pramoolsook, I. 92014). Rhetorical structure of Introduction Chapters written by novice Vietnamese TESOL postgraduates. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 20(1), 61-74.

Biscombe Lecturer
Masters of Landscape Architecture , State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering , Grove City College
Phone: +66 4422 4503
Email: daniel@sut.ac.th

Wilang Lecturer
2017 PhD in Applied Linguistics, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
2012 MA in Teaching (English as an International Language), Prince of Songkla University
2002 BA (Political Science), University of the Cordilleras
Research Interests: Psycholinguistics, English as a Lingua Franca
Phone: +66 4422 3577
Email: wilang@g.sut.ac.th
Balintag, C.M., & Wilang, J.D. (2020). QR codes utilization in EFL classroom: Affective language learning attributes in writing. Script Journal: Journal of Linguistic and English Teaching, 5(1), April, 1-13.
Sairattanain, J., & Wilang, J. D. (2020). Language and What Else? Academic Integration of International Students in a Thai University. Human Behavior, Development and Society, 21(3), September, 38-46.
Wilang, J.D. (2020, April). The power of gratitude in the language classroom. Modern English Teacher, 29(2), 39-42.
Puvacharonkul, P., & Wilang, J. D. (2020). Exploring the mindsets of Thai graduate students in English language learning: A preliminary study. Proceedings from the 40th Thailand TESOL-PAC International Conference “Harmony in Diversity: ELT in Transcultural Society” (pp. 223-235). Bangkok, Thailand: Thailand TESOL Association.
Dumlao, R.P., & Wilang, J. D. (2019). Variations in the use of discourse markers by L1 and L2 English users. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(1). May, 202-209.
Garcia, M., & Wilang, J. D. (2019, July). Embracing students’ cultural backgrounds in review activities. Modern English Teacher, 28(3), 48-50.
Wilang, J.D. (2019). Virtual reality for active English learning in the university context. In Hamada R. et al. (Eds), Neo-Simulation and Gaming Toward Active Learning (pp 293-301). Translational Systems Sciences, Vol 18. Singapore: Springer.
Kanjanakaew. K., & Wilang, J. D. (2019). Single or shade of colo(u)r?: Hybridity of English in ELF setting. Proceedings from BUU2019: The 7th 2019 Burapha University International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research "Break Barriers, Design Future" (pp. 166-174).
Sittiviboon, N., & Wilang, J. D. (2019). Errors yet comprehensible: Case studies of five Thai students. Proceedings from BUU2019: The 7th 2019 Burapha University International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research "Break Barriers, Design Future" (pp. 156-165).
Wilang, J. D., & Vo Duy, T. (2018). The complexity of speaking anxiety in a graduate EFL classroom. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 15(3), Fall, 682-699.
Wilang, J. D. (2018). The dynamics of language learning variables among Japanese students in Thailand. Proceedings from ICLLCS 2018: The 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies 2018 (pp. 357-366). Chon Buri, Thailand.
Wilang, J. D., & Soermphongsuwat, A. (2018). Virtual reality for undergraduate English language learners: A formative study. Proceedings of ISAGA 2018 International Conference "Active Learning and Neo-Simulation & Gaming: Sharing Wisdom" (pp. 191-199). Nakorn Pathom, Thailand.
Wilang, J. D., Jantori, P., & Chutataweesawas, S. (2018). Worries of novice researchers in writing research papers. Proceedings from ICILST 2018: The 6th International Conference on Learning Innovation in Science and Technology (pp. 171-179). Bangkok, Thailand.
Chutataweesawas, S., Tanchareon, S., & Wilang, J. D. (2018). Producing educational learning media resources for Karen Children. Proceedings from ICILST 2018: The 6th International Conference on Learning Innovation in Science and Technology (pp. 18-32). Bangkok, Thailand.
Samoilova, V., Vo Duy, T., & Wilang, J. D. (2017). Anxiety among engineering students in a graduate EFL classroom. Proceedings from ICIE 2017: The 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Education "Building Professional Learning Community in Improving Science and Technology Education" (pp. 286-296). Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
Vo Duy, T., Samoilova, V., & Wilang, J. D. (2017). Debilitating effects of anxiety on Engineering students’ language performances. Proceedings from ICIE 2017: The 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Education "Building Professional Learning Community in Improving Science and Technology Education" (pp. 275-285). Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
Wilang, J. D. (2017). Silence of Japanese students in a Thai EFL context. Selected Proceedings from DRAL 3/19th ESEA: the international conference on Doing Research in Applied Linguistics 3 / 19th English in South-East Asia Conference 2017 (pp. 94-104). Bangkok, Thailand.
Wilang, J. D., & Singhasiri, W. (2017). Specific anxiety situations in the intelligibility of Englishes as a lingua franca. Asian EFL Journal, April, 19, 4-37
Wilang, J. D., & Singhasiri, W. (2017). Out-of-class anxiety in a non-English speaking context and its effects on intelligibility and comprehensibility. Issues in Educational Research (IIER), 27(3), 620-638

แสงกาญจนวนิช ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
1996 MAT in TESOL & Bilingual Education, Georgetown University, U.S.A.
1993 MA in English, Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND
1991 BA (2nd Class Honours) in English, Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND
Phone: +66 4422 4255
Email: sanggan@sut.ac.th

สุวรรณเทพ อาจารย์
2002 PhD (Education), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
1997 MATESL (Teaching English as a Second Language), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
1993 MA (English), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
1991 BA (2nd Class Honors) (English), Silpakorn University, Nakornpathom, Thailand
Research Interests: L2 Writing, Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Curriculum Development
Phone: +66 4422 4524
Email: jitpanat@g.sut.ac.th
Tao, P. & Suwanthep. J. (2019). Effects of web-based metacognitive listening on Chinese university EFL learners’ listening comprehension and metacognitive awareness. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol9, No. 2, September 2019.
Wang, F. & Suwanthep, J. (2019). The material development of EFL vocabulary learning via constructivism-based mobile application. IISES International Academic Conference, Copenhagen, June 24 2019.
Li. S. & Suwanthep, J. (2018). The Development of Flipped Classroom Lessons for EFL Speaking. ICFET '18: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies, June 2018
Huashan, L., Tao, P. & Suwanthep, J. (2017). The Effect of Task-Related Involvement Load and Cross-Modality on Vocabulary Learning. DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science, June 2017.
Li. S. & Suwanthep, J. (2017). Integration of flipped classroom model for EFL speaking. International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2017.
Wang, F. & Suwanthep, J. (2017). Constructivism-based mobile application for EFL vocabulary learning. International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2017
Li, S. & Suwanthep, J. (2016). Developing EFL Speaking Skills via Flipped Classroom Instruction and Constructive Role-Plays. The 4th Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (FLLT) Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, June 24-25, 2016.
Wang, F. & Suwanthep, J. (2016). Constructivism-based Mobile Learning Application and EFL Vocabulary Retention. Proceedings: International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning (IAC-TLEI) 2016. Budapest, Hungary, July 8-9, 2016

บุตรแสง อาจารย์
2002 MA in English Language Teaching, Kasetsart University, Thailand
1998 BA in English Faculty of Education, Thaksin University, Thailand
Phone: +66 4422 4510
Email: kamorn@sut.ac.th

Ray Wingate Lecturer
2009 TESOL Certificate, Chichester College, Bangkok, Thailand
1988 B.S. Technology Education, University of Houston, U.S.A.
Phone: +66 4422 4509
Email: kenneth@sut.ac.th

กองสุวรรณกุล ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
2017 PhD in Education, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
2006 MA in English, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
2003 BEd in Secondary Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Research Interests: Test validation, Construct validity
Phone: +66 4422 5950
Email: kunlaphak@sut.ac.th
Kongsuwannakul, K. (2020). A case of the validity investigation of concordance-based cloze testing: construct relevance revisited. Suranaree Journal of Social Science.
Kongsuwannakul, K. (2020). Making a case for a change to using CEFR-oriented placement test scores: A reflexive ethnographic decision making. Heliyon, 6(1), 1-9.
Kongsuwannakul, K. (2018). Evaluating Three Decades of Studies in Concordance-Based Cloze Testing: Some Insights for Future Directions. International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation 25(2):13-28
Kongsuwannakul, K. (2018). Using reflexive ethnography in justifying a change in test use: A convergence between quantitative language testing and qualitative hermeneutics. 6th International Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing (NTELTISTANBUL) 2018
Kongsuwannakul, K. (2015). Prototyping a Concordance-based Cloze Test: Preliminary Results. 7th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
Kongsuwannakul, K. (2015). Six techniques for creating variety in the concordance-based cloze item type. The International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation
Kongsuwannakul, K. (2015). Theoretical considerations of applications and implications of concordance-based cloze tests. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
Kongsuwannakul, K. (2014). Language processes of the concordance-based cloze item type: Bridging a theoretical gap between language testing and second language acquisition. The International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies

Kantola Lecturer
2011 Master of Arts in English Language studies, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
1996 Bachelor in Elementary Education, Bukidnon state University, Philippines
Phone: +66 4422 4511
Email: lilli@sut.ac.th

หนุนภักดี อาจารย์
2004 M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Mahidol University
1999 B.A. (2nd Class Honours) in Linguistics, Thammasat University
Phone: +66 4422 4368
Email: manta@sut.ac.th

Sinclair Scott Lecturer
2005 B.A. in Health and social care, The Open University, United Kongdom
2005 CELTA, Cambridge University, United Kingdom
Phone: +66 4422 4340
Email: michaelscott@sut.ac.th

เผือกผ่อง อาจารย์
2006 PhD (Education: Computer Assisted Language Learning),University of Canberra, Australia, under the Ministry of University Affairs scholarship
1993 MA (Teaching English as a Second Language),University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, under the Ministry of University Affairs scholarship
1991 BA (English, 1st class honors), Thammasat University, Thailand under the Ministry of University Affairs scholarship
Research Interest: Technology Enhanced Language Learning
Phone: +66 4422 3084; 4529
Email: nattaya@sut.ac.th
Supasan, J. & Puakpong, N. (2017). The Development of Computer Enhanced Vocabulary Learning Program for Junior High School Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 36(6); November-December 2017, 53-62.
Di, Y., & Puakpong, N. (2016). Effects of project-based learning on speaking abilities of non-English major Chinese students. CLaSIC 2016, 410-427.
He, B., Puakpong, N., & Lian, A. (2015). Factors affecting the normalization of CALL in Chinese senior high schools. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 28(3), 189-201.

สิริโยธิน อาจารย์
1999 PhD (Education Studies) Ohio State University, U.S.A
1994 MA (Teaching English as a Second Language) Pennsylvania State University, USA
1987 BEd (English) Srinakharinwirot University (Prasarnmitr), Thailand
Research Interests: L2 Reading & Writing
Phone: +66 4422 4331; 4508
Email: peerasak@sut.ac.th
Wei, Q., Siriyothin, P., & Lian, A.-P. (2018). Chinese University EFL Students’ Perceptions of Learner Autonomy in Language Learning. Beyond Words, 6(1), 26–40.
Wei, Q., Siriyothin, P., & Lian, A.-P. (2018). Improving Chinese University EFL Students’ Speaking Skills through Digital Storytelling. Suranaree Journal of Social Science, 12(2).
Zhang, X., Siriyothin, P. & Lian, A.P. (2016). Gender Differences and Reading Proficiency in Relation to Learning Styles of Chinese Undergraduate EFL Students. Rangsit Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 (2), Rangsit University.
Peng, S., Siriyothin, P. & Lian, A.P. 92014). Reading Strategy Use and Reading Proficiency of Chinese Undergraduate Students Majoring in English. International Journal of Academic Research, Vol. 6 (2), EBSCO, the United States of America.

Thompson Lecturer
2008 CELTA, Cambridge University, United Kingdom
1994 B.A. in History, Manchester University, United Kingdom
Phone: +66 4422 4333
Email: Pjt252@yahoo.com

ศรีโพธิ์ อาจารย์
PhD (Foreign Language Education) University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
MA in Applied Linguistics (English for Science and Technology) King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand
BA (1st Class Honors) in French. Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Research Interests: TEFL, Teacher Training, Content-based Instruction
Phone: +66 4422 4506; 4525
Email: sirin@sut.ac.th
Deng, D., Seepho, S., and Lian, A.P. (2020). Preferential Admission Policies for Ethnic Minority Students in Yunnan: Help or Hindrance. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(4), pp. 356-376.
Xie, G., Tajaroensuk, S. & Seepho, S. (2019). The Effectiveness of Work-based Reflective Model for In-service Tertiary Tourism English Teachers’ Professional Development. Suranaree Journal of Social Science 13 (1); January-June 2019 (73-88)
Wang, S., & Seepho, S. (2017). Facilitating. Chinese EFL Learners’ Critical Thinking Skills: The Contributions of Teaching Strategies. SAGE Open. 7(3): 1-9. doi:10.1177/2158244017734024
Thao Q. T.& Seepho, S. (2017). Intercultural Language Education : Supportive Factors and Constraints on EFL Learners’ Intercultural Communicative Competence Development. Suranaree Journal of Social Science. 11(1): 1-28.
Asmara, A., & Seepho, S. (2017). Duong, M. T. & Seepho, S. (2017). Implementing a Portfolio-based Learner Autonomy Development Model in an EFL Writing Course. Suranaree Journal of Social Science. 11(1): 29-46.
L2 Grammar Learning Strategies Used by High Good Verbal & Logical Intelligence Learners: EFL Indonesian University Students. The 1st International Conference on English Language Studies (ICELS), MahaSarakham, Thailand. 29-30 August 2016. p.1-27.
Sheng, W. & Seepho, S. (2016). The Development of Critical Thinking in EFL Reading with Chinese Students: Reducing the Obstructive Effect of English Proficiency. Suranaree Journal of Social Science. 10(2). 33-51
Thao, Q. T. & Seepho, S (2016). Intercultural Language Education: EFL Learners’ Perceptions toward Intercultural Language Communicative Teaching. Philippine ESL Journal. 16. 46-64.
Tran, T. Q., & Seepho, S. (2016). The Development of an Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching Model for EFL Learners. Thai TESOL Journal, 29(1), 73-93.
Thao, Q. T. & Seepho, S. (2016). EFL Learners’ Attitudes toward Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching and their Intercultural Communicative Competence Development. Journal of English Studies. 11. 1-40
Tran, T. Q., & Seepho, S. (2016). An Intercultural Communicative Competence Model for EFL Learners. The 4th TESOL 2016: Teaching Methodologies and Learning Outcomes in Ho Chi Minh City (pp. 27-42). Ho Chi Minh City: Publishing House of Economics.
Duong, M. T. & Seepho, S. (2015). Constructing a Proposed Portfolio-based Learner Autonomy Development Model for EFL Learners.English for Specific Purposes World. 48 (16). 1-18
Lan, Y. & Seepho, S. (2015). Problem-based Learning Materials Design for a Medical English Course. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 5(7). 1346-1351.
Newprasit, N. & Seepho, S. (2015). The Effects of a Project-based Learning Approach on the Improvement of English Language Skills. Journal of Applied Language Studies and Communication. 1(1). 16-51.
Thao, Q. T. & Seepho, S. (2015). An Instructional Design Model for Intercultural Language Teaching: A Proposed Model Humanising Language Teaching Magazine for Teachers and Teacher Trainers. 17(1).
Meng, J., Tajaroensuk, S., & Seepho, S. (2013). Recommendations for Sustaining the In-service Professional Development of Tertiary EFL Teachers. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 3(8). 1311-1321.
Zhang, L. & Seepho, S. (2013). Metacognitive Strategy Use an Academic Reading Achievement: Insight from a Chinese Context. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. 10(1). 54-69
Meng, J., Tajaroensuk, S., & Seepho, S. (2013). The multilayered peer coaching model and the in-service professional development of tertiary EFL teachers. International Education Studies, 6(7) 18-31

ศุภเศรษฐเสรี อาจารย์
2006 PhD (English Language Studies), Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
1998 MAT (Teaching English), Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
1992 BEd (English), Chiangmai University, Chiangmai, Thailand
Research Interest: Technology Enhanced Language Learning
Phone: +66 4422 4533; 6647
Email: suksan@sut.ac.th
Chavangklang, T. & Suppasetseree, S. (2019). Implementing Flipped Cooperative Classroom Learning in a Reading Comprehension Course. NRRU Community Research Journal , 13(1), January-April 2019
Chavangklang, T. & Suppasetseree, S. (2018). Enhancing Thai EFL University Students’ Reading Comprehension through a Flipped Cooperative Classroom. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(3), 238-261
Bunjan, A. & Suppasetseree, S. (2018). A Development of Video Blog-Based Role Play Instructional Model to Improve Tourism Students’ English Speaking Skills. Journal of Education, Mahasarakham University
Kongsuebchart, J & Suppasetseree, S. (2018). The Effect of a Weblog-Based Electronic Portfolio on Thai EFL Undergraduate Students’ English Writing Skills. Computer-Assisted Language Learning-Electronic Journal
Bunjan, A. & Suppasetseree, S. (2017). The Video Blog-Based Role Play Lessons to Enhance English Oral Communication Skills for Tourism Students. International Journal of Educational Administration, 9(1)
Nguyen, D.L. & Suppasetseree, S. (2017). English as a Foreign Language Students’ Attitudes toward Facebook Based Collaborative Learning Lessons to Enhance English Writing Skills. Silpakorn Educational Research Journal. 10(1), January - June 2017.
Jantasin, P., & Suppasetseree, S. (2017). A Smartphone-Assisted Instructional Model in English Reading for Thai Students at University Level. Journal of Roi-Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), January – June 2017.
Bunjan, A. & Suppasetseree, S. (2016). The Video Blog-Based Role Play Lessons to Enhance English Oral Communication Skills for Tourism Students. Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society 2016, 727-738.
Thienthong, A. & Suppasetseree, S. (2016). A WordPress-based Instructional Model for Developing Semantically-driven Academic Writing Lessons for Thai EFL University Students. Language Education and Acquisition Research Network (LEARN) Journal. 9(2), 22-43.
Roth, C. & Suppasetseree, S. (2016). Flipped Classroom: Can it Enhance English Listening Comprehension for Pre-university Students in Cambodia?. CLaSIC 2016, 225-264. Kongsuebchart, J. & Suppasetseree, S. (2016). A Weblog-based Electronic Portfolio to Improve English Writing Skills of Thai EFL Undergraduate Students. CLaSIC 2016, 148-158.
Nguyen, D.L. & Suppasetseree, S. (2016). Facebook Based Collaborative Learning Lessons to Enhance Thai EFL Students’ Writing Skills. The Journal of Applied Language Studies and Communication. 2(1), 16-46.
Nguyen, D.L. & Suppasetseree, S. (2016). The Development of an Instructional Design Model on Facebook Based Collaborative Learning to Enhance EFL Students’ Writing Skills. The IAFOR Journal of Language Learning. 2(1), 48-66.
Jantasin, P. & Suppasetseree, S. (2016). The Development of Smartphone-Assisted Instructional Lessons to Improve Reading Abilities of Thai EFL University Students. LangLit. 2(3), 21-36.
Walakanon, S. & Suppasetseree, S. (2015). A Design of Wiki-based Collaborative Reading Lessons to Improve Thai EFL University Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills. Journal of Humanities Naresuan University. 12(3), 49-68.
Tumsaduak, B. & Suppasetseree, S. (2014). A Survey of the Needs of Thai Adult Registered Psychiatric Nurses toward Learning English in the Workplace within E–Learning Environment. Journal of Teaching and Education. 3(1), 359-369.

งามจัตุรัส อาจารย์
2019 Master of Science in TESOL (Teaching English to the Speakers of Other Languages), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
2017 Bachelor of Education (1st Class Honors, Gold Medal) in English, Silpakorn University, Thailand
Phone: +66 4422 3571
Email: t.ngmchat@sut.ac.th

มูลคำ อาจารย์
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok (May 2016 – July 2019)
Master of Business Administration (International Business Management Payap University, Chiang Mai (May 2011 – June 2013)
Bachelor of Arts in English Payap University, Chiang Mai (May 2005 – June 2009)

นิ้วประสิทธิ์ อาจารย์
Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Master of Arts in English Languages Studies, Oct 2014
Golden Gate University, CA, USA, Master of Science in Marketing, Aug 1998
Assumption University, Bangkok, Bachelor of Business Administration, May 1996
The Effect of a Project-based Learning Approach on the Improvement of English Language Skills Journal of Applied Language Studies and Communication Thammasart Printing House (1) (2558), pp.16 ,Issue 1

บังคะดารา Lecturer
Master of Arts in English Languages Studies, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand (2020)
Bachelor of Arts in English, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand (2015)
Bangkhadara, W., & Suppasetseree, S. (2020). The use of mobile podcast to enhance English listening comprehension. Proceedings of The International Conference on English Language Studies, pp.147-161.